Friday, August 12, 2016

rag rug frame

I bought 1x3 wood from Menards and cut them to make a frame that was 27 x 39. This is a smaller size than what  I have now.

i had found a tutorial on line that called for wood screws. It gave specific numbers and sizes but I couldn't find them. After trying other alternatives, I decided to use # 8- 3inch wood screws to put the frame together. It worked just fine.

I am trying to keep this project, as mine, to learn, and to keep from relying on my husband's time and energies, but, I am still awkward, and he did help hold and pre drill some of the holes.

I reinforced the frame with angle brackets.

After it was together, it was sanded and marked with holes 1 inch apart, across the top and bottom. I marked from the center out in each direction.

And then, DH pre drilled the holes, and I drilled the screws .

It is finished! Here is a rug that I had done on a larger frame. I used the most ugly camouflage fabric, and other unwanted ugly quilting fabric. It just comes out looking like a color. Jo Kramer  at jo's country junction used T shirt she had cut up. Any sheets from goodwill would be great, as it would give longer strips.

I have a friend who wants to learn how to do this, and I will be sharing my frame. She wants to use up scraps. and this should definitely make a dent.
I'm linking to Whoop Whoop Fridays  and fabric, thread and yarn link party 
finished or not fridays

Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts


  1. That is awesome! From the frame to the rug! I never would have thought of this!

  2. This is awesome! I have wondered about making a rug like this.

  3. If you are planning on using power tools more frequently consider going to the hardware store and 'trying on' your own. They make some that have smaller grips and distribute the weight better for a woman's smaller hands. Just make sure you get an employees opinion about quality. Some smaller ones are lesser quality, some are workhorses. Then you won't feel so wobbly.

  4. This is a great tutorial. I have an old rug my parents bought in turkey decades ago. I could frame it and hang it! Thanks for the idea.

  5. What a cool idea! And I bet it does make a big dent in the scrap bins! Whoop whoop!!

  6. Interesting. And such a great idea to used old fabric. I'm looking forward to seeing what rugs you'll make with this frame.
    Thank you for participating to my Fabric, Thread and Yarn link party. I hope you'll have a sunny week!

  7. what type of Nails did you use to nail into the holes?

  8. what kind of nail did you use for the holes for the top an bottom boards? thanks
