Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What does the fox say

Moving along on my Forest Frenzy quilt... I have foxes everywhere. What will they say?

That foxes are easier than bunnies. I think the pattern is excellent and well written. The hardest part is the organization of all the little pieces in different fabrics. But if you follow Elizabeth Hartman's instructions it works.

Ring a ding ding

I started sewing chunky churn dash from Bonnie Hunter. I have 23 blocks finished. Each block is scrappy and fun, but I'm never confident that they will play well together. Bonnie has it as a free pattern. This is my away project. I meet in small groups to sew, and this is easy to do while talking and having fun. I have had it cut and kitted for a couple of years. So there are some oldies fabric in there.

I'm linking with Jos country junction ufo project
and WOW


  1. Hi Maggi Your Foxes are so cute, some one is going to be very lucky getting this quilt to be. Cheers Glenda

  2. Lots of lovely little foxes there - so cute!
