Thursday, August 4, 2016

Finishing my Hooked chair pad

I have finished my rug hooked chair pad. I wasn't sure how I wanted to finish the edges, but I did decide it isn't an heirloom, so done and used was better than right. I had steamed and pressed the edges around to the back.
I found a pair of black wool pants that had a section big enough for the back. I considered a cheaper fabric, but black wool pants are so easy to find at thrift stores, and I cut the pad shape.
Just smoothing it made it move all over the place, so I glued it around the edges.
I laid wool yarn along the edges and sewed from back to front, making a beaded look that I liked. If the linen still showed, I loosened the yarn.
I found an old child's school chair ( at Goodwill). Now to find another spot in my house for this little treasure.

I'm linking to Whoop whoop Fridays        and..
France Nadeau


  1. Beautifully done. You were quite clever in the way you finished the back. I like that. 😀
    Thank you for participating to my Fabric, Thread and Yarn link party. Have a good weekend!

  2. So pretty! I remember these from my grandmother's house when I was a kid - she used to make them to cover the organ stools (the kind with a round seat that spun around to get taller - we did a lot of spinning!) Whoop whoop for a great (sentimental) finish!!

  3. Great ideas! It looks very cozy. :)
