Monday, April 20, 2020

borders for baskets

One of my goals for this year is to finish my basket quilt. I really don't like borders, so I avoided this part longer than I would like.
The inner border choice was easy. I knew I wanted to continue the sashing fabric. I had a rough time choosing the outer border.

I had 20 fabrics out auditioning them.  I decided since nothing was great, anything would be fine. So I switched to what would be something I just really liked. The fabric I decided to use has a memory attached. It was an old print that I used in my country jumper business in the 90s. I loved the fabric, and, after making hundreds of jumpers, I never got tired of it. I love florals. If I still love it now, it might stand the test of time.

The borders are on, and, I am ready to quilt it. Other blog posts about this quilt are here.

I am linking:


  1. Congratulations on making the decision to "finish er up!" It feels good to get an old UFO finished, said the women who only moved her UFO from not a top to "to a top." Must find backing fabric. Stick with it.

  2. That border looks perfect for your baskets! Very pretty!

  3. Hey, that floral fabric is perfect for this basket quilt! Nice quilt top finish!
