Saturday, February 25, 2017

Over the rainbow

Sea green everywhere

I have remained current with the rainbow scrap challenge for two whole months. hooray. I finished the last of the big leaves in February sea green last night.
That is 10 blocks for pineapple blossom with 40 - 1/2 square triangles for the border and 18 big leaves. I am ready for the next color.:) Any guesses?

The happy Birds group met yesterday. We are helping a young woman make a T-shirt quilt. and another happy birds top was finished. This is Linda's and she has made a wonderful version. I am so far behind sigh....
She has also finished a new york beauty sunflower quilt.
Oh my it is more stunning in real life.

 SewCan She
rsc17 super saturday


  1. Your post is so colorful with all of the colors in between blue and green! Wow, very nice job on all.

  2. Your RSC blocks look great. And thanks for sharing your friends quilts with us.

  3. You are lucky to have a group that is so talented and inspiring. Keep those leaves growing!

  4. Wow, Maggie you have so much creative inspiration there. I love the "Sprouts". I have made mine from the 2" stock of scraps, so mine is going to take some time to complete to a significant size.

  5. Pretty sea greens and your appliqué blocks are stunning.

  6. I've been making Sprout blocks for a couple of RSC years. Maybe I should count them up and see if I have enough for a quilt! I like to see what everyone does with theirs.

    Your Happy Birds group does some gorgeous work!

  7. The roses on your design wall are gorgeous. Can't wait to see where they go. Have a great weekend.

  8. SEA GREEN all over the place... nice, but I think I'm ready for a new Color of the Month!!

  9. Congrats on staying current with the RSC, that alone is cause for celebration. Oh wow, Linda's quilts are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing, I really like that sunflower quilt.
