Wednesday, December 6, 2023

strip missing pieces

This is part of my 5 quilt project, I have been slowly building rows for my strip tease quilt. And guess who can't count? The problem with portable projects is that sometimes pieces don't make the transfers. I often find the missing pieces AFTER I finish the quilt, ususally, mixed in with something unrelated. LOL  But, I shall persevere. I can make the 14 missing flying geese and missing 4 patches, again. And, then, magically, I will be ready to assemble the quilt.

last row

so close


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry those blocks went missing. Why is it that we always find what we are looking for after we no longer need it? Hopefully that won't happen to you. Lovely quilt this is going to be. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Looks so good. I hope you fin your pieces.

  3. You are so close to done! It's always so maddening when you know you've made the pieces but then can't find them.

  4. This is such a neat idea and I love the quilt name! Did you see this pattern on another blog or is this your original design? Happy stitching!

  5. I guess that's the "tease" in the name!

  6. Wow! Such great progress! I really admire your tenacity for this long term goal. It makes me want to complete more of my UFOs as well. You always have such great projects.
