Saturday, December 23, 2023

30s baby quilt start

Last year, for the rainbow scrap challenge, I wanted to include an older ufo baby quilt using 30s fabric. But, before I could start it, I put it in a safe place. And... it went missing. I just found it again. And I want to try again for 2024. Fingers crossed, I won't misplace it again. I think it will work for the most basic color months. And, it will have very little pressure to complete.

I am linking to:


  1. I know what it's like to put something in a 'safe' place and not find it. This will be a lovely quilt to make in 30's fabrics. Happy Christmas and happy stitching!

  2. That's a very cute pattern and you've picked some fun fabrics to work with.

  3. That sounds like a good idea, Maggie. It's going to be SEW cute!

  4. Those are pretty and sweet fabrics for a baby quilt! Have fun getting started on this one!

  5. That will be adorable! Love the idea of the changing background in those blocks! Cute!

  6. It will be adorable. ...very sweet.

  7. Can't be a simple pattern with 30s prints. Love it. I have a cousin who's about to become a 1st time grandpa and I've been considering a 30s print baby quilt for them. They always turn out sweet. Glad you found your project once again!

  8. This is going to be so pretty in 30s fabrics! And as you say, it has the advantage of being easy to make so no pressure. I look forward to watching this come together. Have a lovely Christmas! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
