Saturday, November 21, 2020

irish webbed

 I webbed the Irish chain quilt at retreat last week. This was one of my rainbow scrap challenge projects. I have worked on it for 2 years.

I spent this week pinning rows and sewing the  top together. It is ready for a back and some binding.


  1. That is looking really pretty! And your Shine quilt in the next post, too. Great progress!

  2. Lovely! Congratulations on the finish!

  3. I am SEW looking forward to seeing this one finished, Maggie. LOVE it!!!

  4. This is the first time I've seen the expression "webbing" a quilt to refer to sashing. I learned something from you today! Your Irish chain quilt is simply glorious. This is one of those striking traditional patterns that I've had my eye on since I saw the first one in a quilting book years ago, but I've never made one yet. Perhaps it's time for me to start making a "quilter's bucket list" of all of the patterns I keep saying that about?! Congratulations on your beautiful finished top!

  5. This came out great! Such a simple pattern but oh so amazing when sewn together with scraps. Great job.

  6. Fantastic finish! and such a pretty one!! Good job!

  7. Looking forward to seeing this all together. I really like how you placed the colors. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
