Monday, November 23, 2020

this and that

I visited with my endocrinologist, last week, and my diabetic numbers are down from the first part of the pandemic, but still need a little more help. We talked about how I haven't been exercising, with the pandemic rising and cold weather. I have been afraid to go to the gym. She said she thought it would be safe enough, since, they have more than likely been following protocols. hmm.. She is a doctor, so today, I will start going to the gym again. Wish me luck.... that I don't get sick, and that, I can do more than sit in a chair and moan for the rest of the day. I know I will eventually feel better with light exercise, but, at this age, it takes a bit to get there.

I am grateful for medical professionals everywhere who make life decisions a little easier, and work for our good. #give thanks

I've added a bit more to my on going projects. Sometimes, when I want to just sew I grab a few and make blocks. Too bad, this doesn't have the same benefits as exercise, as, I would much rather stay home and do more of these.

easy breezy

wedding ring


  1. Your wedding ring blocks are so nice, I'm getting tempted! The easy breezy blocks are so much fun to make. Hope you don't get too stiff and sore, happy stitching!

  2. Such lively, scrappy blocks! Are you able to walk? That's my preferred exercise. (It's free and it's contact-less!)

  3. Love those wedding ring blocks!
    just a suggestion ( only because I have been doing my dads cardiac rehab since the gyms are closed) can you come up with some *gym* exercises you could do at home? Soup cans and all that? ha ha!! Good luck!!!

  4. I'm with you on wishing that sewing was better exercise. My sewing space is in the basement so I keep telling myself that going up and down the stairs is a little exercise. LOL

  5. I wish I was there and could exercise with you. I am loving these easy breezy blocks too.

  6. Thinking of you! Exercising is not all it is cracked up to be. I, too, need to do so to improve my late sedentary style as well. And I live in Wisconsin. I don't know if I should join the Y; I really would like to swim. Good luck!

  7. Hi! I hope you were able to get your light exercise re-incorporated, and that it didn't slam you too badly. I'm just about ready to start some of my own back up again. It's too cold for me to walk outside, so I need to dust off the old treadmill and see if it still works. ::snort::
