Coming home from a quilt retreat is a challenge to unpack and get back to normal. I crammed a lot of projects into my weekend, and my bags. I wanted to pull them out, one by one, and, make sure everything is taken care to put where they belong.
The first project I worked on, was the big easy Christmas. This was my one monthly goal for November. I had it quilted before I left. I used the big tables at the retreat to trim it, and, then, I attached the binding by machine to the back side of the quilt. I tried a new idea for the front of the binding. I used steam a seam lite 1/4 inch to the wrong side of the binding. Then, I ironed it to the front. I felt that the adhesion was good, but, I wanted to take it home and use my home machine ( not my featherweight) to sew it in place. That was part of the experiment, also, to see if the jostling to get home would keep everything in place. Now, that I am home, this quilt is part of my retreat clean up. I am working on attaching the binding by machine. So far, I am very pleased with the results and the ease of doing it with the adhesive tape.

I had the top done for the traffic jam quilt the first day of retreat. I found a back, and prepared the binding. I hope to move this to the top of the "to be quilted" pile for this month. It was my one monthly goal for October.
At the end of any quilt gathering, someone always bags up the scraps on the freebie table, and, gives them to me. They know that I love getting new scraps, and that I will probably make them into something... eventually. I try not to take anything from the table until the end, so that, others get a chance first. Later, you will see what I did with the turquoise strip in the bag.
happy scraps
I worked on the Joann block of the month - pieceful paisley. My shine top was finished and the irish double chain was webbed. I need to iron shine, piece the back, and prepare the binding. I will pin 2 rows when I watch tv and then, sew them upstairs in the morning until that is a top. I do't like to pin rows, so, I bribe myself.
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