Saturday, September 26, 2020

red irish chain block

The red blocks for my Irish chain quilt are ready, and, all I need are the yellows. I have worked on this quilt over the last two years for the rainbow scrap challenge. The first year, I did the 4 patches, and, this year, I am making the blocks.

This was a friend Linda's quilt - smith mountain morning -in red and brown. We took the Bonnie hunter class together in Lafayette. Mine was gray and yellow. I quilted hers in red.

I have started putting the joining the rainbow row x row quilt, and finished the 2nd red row.

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:

 Irish chain
row by row
scraptastic star
country road
and now
postage stamp psp20

I am linking to:

rsc20 super saturday
oh scrap
UFO busting


  1. The Irish Chain blocks are looking great and I love that row by row.

  2. That has been a great way to make those Irish Chain blocks! Love the row by row pattern, with the X's O's and zigzags.

  3. What a good idea, making part of the blocks one year for the RSC and finishing them the next! I also love your X row. That would be fun to make!

  4. RED blocks, a RED row, and a RED (and brown) quilt to celebrate RED month at the RSC!! Looking forward to seeing your Irish Chain quilt come together, Maggie.
