Friday, September 11, 2020

vintage finish

I was able to finish this quilt that I started in January at a quilt retreat ( remember those?) I had bought 8 blocks from my hubby's Aunt's estate sale. The blocks were made by her before she married, and, it has the names embroidered by the laddies who made them. Aunt Melba's block is the purple tulip. I added my homemade hexies to the last block and put the quilt together. I love the fabrics and the signatures.

At first, I wanted to maintain the same time period in the quilt, which I could do easily with reproduction fabrics. But, I didn't think I would hand quilt it. I wondered if I should try a quilting pattern that would be authentic to the time period. Eventually, I decided it was my quilt, and, this is now. I just quilted loose stippling, and I am happy with it. It was a rescue and a family momento, not a heritage quilt. 

My favorite block is the center block.

This quilt will be part of my One monthly goal and phd20

I'm linking to:



  1. Fabulous! Good for you to make it your own with the stipple quilting!

  2. That's a pretty one, and such a great way to finish up a family memento! It's really neat that all the quilters signed their blocks. I like that center block, too.

  3. How wonderful that you completed this family quilt history. You comment that it is not a heritage quilt, but it is really, and you have finished your aunt's collections of blocks so nicely.

  4. Your quilt is lovely, what a treasure! The stipple quilting looks just fine and finished is always better than perfect. Happy stitching!

  5. This is so pretty, and such a nice way of finishing your hubby's aunt's blocks. My favorite is the center one too!

  6. A lovely finish with a lovely story.

  7. Lovely.Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
