Tuesday, September 8, 2020

to do: more ice cream

I mentioned here, that after experimenting with how I wanted to make these ice cream cones, that, I had started making them in rainbow colors. Today, I have blueberry.

Our Tuesday quilt group met last week in one of of our members' new home. It was the first chance we have had to see it since they moved. We were very interested in her sewing room. 

It is very different than mine. I tend to decorate with tiny annoying pieces of scraps that fall out of the sky, when my back is turned. I carpet with boxes and bags of the same kind of annoying tiny pieces of scraps.
I guess another to do is to clean up and redecorate..... ok, that will never happen.

I am linking to:


  1. Not a fan of fruity ice cream, bot those blueberry cones are pretty darn cute! My sewing room will never look like your friend’s either! But ...it works for me,

  2. Love the blueberry ice cream cones! Your friend's new sewing room looks lovely. Mine always looks like someone's been working in it - and I always mean to clean it up, but would rather keep sewing! :)

  3. Hi Maggie! Oh, that sewing room! I would love to have a whole wall of windows - preferably northern facing. My floor is covered with those mats for rolling chairs and the walls are filled with Princess calendar pages - Cinderella, etc. I adore you blueberry ice cream cones! LOVE them. How fun. Thanks so much for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Hi,
    Love the Ice Cream Cones...so pretty. Your sewing room sounds like mine...bits and pieces of fabric all over the carpet...where did those come from??? Have a great day!
