Friday, March 30, 2018

cutting and sewing

I found the magazine/pattern for  Holiday Party and it is all boxed, labeled, and put in the project shelves. That is Christmas quilt #3. I am cutting for #4 Homespun holiday. I found it in Quilt magazine Nov/Dec 2013.

I had to try sewing the little friendship stars. They are 4 1/2 in unfinished, but they can be trimmed to smaller.

I am linking to:
Finished or Not Fridays   
Whoop Whoop


  1. What a stunning project. I love the flying geese, my fav pattern.

  2. Wow, I LOVE that pattern, it reminds me of snowflakes! It’s a bummer that the magazine is from 5 years ago or i’d be running out to get it for myself. I’m also interested in your process, since you mentioned boxing this up and putting it away. Is there a reason you’re not starting the piecing yet now that you’ve got it all cut out and ready to go? Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  3. Love that Homespun Holiday design!!! Hopefully I can find the pattern somewhere!'ve just made me want to quilt Christmas in Spring! lol! ;-)

  4. Those are some tiny friendship stars! Cute though! I have never been involved in a swap. I like the idea!

  5. What a pretty Christmas snowflake quilt. I really love cutting projects out ahead of time and having the box to just pull out and start working on later. It feels so nice to just start sewing when it is that project's turn, doesn't it?

  6. That's going to be a beautiful Christmas quilt. I like your friendship stars. I've had a taste of assembling tiny pieces, not sure I really like it, but they do look so cool.
