Wednesday, September 14, 2016

easy street

Jo Kramer, from Jo's country junction has issued a UFO quilt challenge in preparation for Bonnie Hunter's new book due to be published in September 2016. I need to finish some quilts now, so that I might start new ones from the book with abandon.

When I started to finish this UFo, it was in the block stage. It had been that way since the mystery quilt reveal. I decided to finish it  the end of July as part of of Jo's challenge. I have finished 2 other quilts but still stuck on this one. It is ready to quilt but I wanted to have the binding ready, and I was stumped on what I needed.

I had gray prepared
didn't like it - purple?
nope - it overpowers - green?
really no - teal?
no - but it looks better in the picture  - border fabric?
sigh... I can't find the leftovers - one problem of waiting so long to finish a quilt. What about checked or striped?
Yep - that will do.

The pattern called for 11 strips - I had 12 in the piece of fabric I found in my stash. I used the accuquilt and the 2 1/2 inch strip cutter. I like that size, it gives me a little wiggle room.

Bonnie Hunter's new book has been released, and I think everyone has one but me - cue the sad face- but I ordered the new tool, and it has not been available yet. They will ship together.  The end of October, Bonnie will reveal the inspiration and fabric requirements for her new mystery quilt.  I join in each time, but I quit after the reveal. I have finished Grand Illusion, love it, and sleep under every night. So, I have how ever many she has done in UFO status.

I'm linking to Jo's country junction
lets bee social - right side bar


  1. I never used to like black but now I am learning how well a black and white combination can set off other colors. Looks good. Like your choice.

    1. thank you - it is a stretch for me- I'm more traditional

  2. When I got to the purple, I thought that would look good, but the check, wow, that was absolutely perfect for a binding. Way to keep searching until you got what the quilt wanted :)
