Saturday, February 13, 2021

postage stamp fun

I hope to follow a plan for working on the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy this year.

1. grab color wire basket and sort

 I keep my fabric chunks in wire baskets by color. Some baskets are in tidy shape, others, not so much. yellow is very tidy and nearly empty.  I have a few boxes of scraps stored by color elsewhere. I pulled the yellow out and emptied it into the wire basket. It was still not full. I need to keep my eye out for yellow to purchase. But, I am in no hurry.

2. decide ufo by color -prioritize as #1

yellow -black and yellow boxy stars - wiggle time snoopy baby quilt- Bonnie Hunter blue skies - Bonnie Hunter free pattern quilt called florabunda. 

3. make ongoing rsc blocks 

I was surprised how many solid yellow 1 1/2 inch strips I found this month for the psp 20 and 21. I have many short pieces that I sew to the solid and then cut into sets of 2. I had enough strips of some of the yellows to make two or three. The blocks this month were a little smaller than the others. I am not sure what I did differently.

My boxy star quilt has the main top all together. I need to add borders and quilt it.

My rainbow projects for 2021 with links:


  1. Off to a great start with yellow. Always nice to know which colors are low in case shopping happens along the way.

  2. Great progress on your YELLOW projects, Maggie!!

  3. WOW Maggie, boxy star top looks fantastic.

  4. Boxy Stars is looking great! Have you decided on a border fabric yet?

  5. I have added a few yellow's to my stash already this month. It was one of the smallest piles on the shelf. Love the boxy stars.

  6. Hi,
    Lots of yellow projects to do. Love those boxy cute. Have a great day!

  7. Postage stamps are definitely fun!

  8. Sounds like a good plan!
    That's a different way to make PS blocks. I cut and sew all of mine individually. Whatever works!
