Tuesday, April 2, 2019


The closet is full - stuffed of quilts to be quilted.

and it has spilled into any other space I can hang something - Over doors, door knobs.

The spare bedroom has started collecting finished quilts that don't fit in my cabinet.

And, still, I have a compulsion to cut more fabric.

Isn't it fun to start a new quilt?! So fun.. yipee- smiley face

I am linking to:
Free Motion by the River

chameleon color linky

Oh scrap


  1. I really am glad I don't have that many waiting in line to be quilted :)

  2. I'm not the only one! YAY!! LOL!! I love starting a new project too. I'm a serial starter...Hahahaha!

  3. LOL, I won't be upset about my 10 that aren't even full size quilts.

  4. Oh how refreshing to see your closet space scrammed full of quilt tops. It's exactly how my spare room closet looks. The completed quilts are piled high on the spare bed too. And I am always starting a new project, almost daily LOL

  5. Prolific top maker eh? Me too hee hee. Fabric needs to be cut and sewn. It just does

  6. Ooh, and I was so proud of myself because I have nearly finished FIVE tops ready for quilting in my closet. What fun!
