Saturday, April 6, 2019

aqua color?

Aqua is the color for the month of April at the rainbow scrap challenge. I am not sure I know what aqua is. I am easily confused by turquoise, teal and aqua. my first inclination is that aqua is a lighter color than the other two. I found this online.

And I dug through the strip bins.

I guess for my projects it doesn't really matter, I can pick what ever color I want to use.
So, I have another crayon made.

And another wiggle row. But, that is as far as I got this week.

I am linking:

lots of aqua inspiration at:


  1. I am the same when it comes to aqua/turquoise/teal! But whatever we want to call it - it looks good in your blocks!

  2. Beautiful fabrics! Not easy to define exactly what aqua is, turquoise is also fine ;)

  3. I also consider aqua a lighter color than turquoise or teal. I am using all the different blue-greens for my RSC blocks this month. Your crayon and Wiggle row both look great!

  4. LOL! Aqua, teal, turquoise? They are all my favorite color. I feel your pain though trying to figure it all out. Good luck as I haven't! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I think that's the first time I've seen your crayon blocks. Very cute. Still love the Wiggle blocks. Going to make an incredible quilt!

  6. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is confused about what some colors actually are. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Those look like aquas to me! Love the crayons.

  8. I have the same problem figuring out which is which when it comes to aqua, teal, etc. Thanks for the visual. Love your crayon blocks!

  9. I'm with you on the AQUA color confusion. For the purpose of the RSC... USE it all!!! :o))

  10. Love your aqua crayon. Yes that is a confusing color for sure

  11. The crayons are looking so great~!!
