Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fabric Flowers

I am trying to learn applique and see if I can coordinate mind and fingers to make the applique for Happy Birds by Jen kingwell.  I have 4 flowers that are done and 4 still to go. But, I am taking it slow and steady.

 Stash report

Fabric Used this Week: 1yard

Fabric Used year to Date: 23 yards

Fabric Added this Week: 24 3/4 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 133.5 yards

Net Fabric for 2016: 110.5 yards in the hole

and I think I need to add shirts I buy to take apart for fabric. I added 5
for total of 10

I received an order from Missourri Star Quilt Company. I have 2 jelly rolls - Flow by Moda and a layer cake - zen chic, and a charm pack - bees n blooms, and a Christmas charm pack.
I really didn't have plans for them but liked them and they were on sale.

I was lucky for senior day at the Goodwill and found these 2 pieces of fabric.  One was 3 yards and one was 12 yards. I paid $4.20 for 15 yards. woohoo.

Happy 34th birthday to our second son. He has a killer smile that melts my heart every time.

I'm linking  to
Patchwork times stash report
Slow Sunday stitching
Sharing Sunday


  1. Great stash addition! Your appliqué flowers look lovely. Great job.

  2. wow what a great deal on the goodwill fabric and its so pretty! Your applique is looking grand!

  3. Wow, you got some fun stash additions.

  4. I really like those applique blocks. Your fabric additions are wonderful. That red fabric was a great find.

  5. Great stash find! I applaud your efforts in applique! I tried it with my Quilty 365. It was fun, but I have too many hand sewing/crocheting projects going on right now. But, everytime I see an applieque project, I want to try it again!

    Your applique is beautiful and inspirational all at the same time! Thank you so very much for sharing! Really enjoyed your post!
