Monday, November 6, 2023

anvil blocks and one monthly goal

A new addition to the 5 quilts project is an UFO from not so long ago. I like making these blocks. I saw these blocks on Beth Shibley's youtube channel, and, wanted to make them with my shirting fabric.

When I opened the box, I found 50 blocks are complete, and, I wanted to have 80. I have 10 or more blocks cut and ready to piece. So, this month, as my one monthly goal, I want to cut and make the 30 more blocks I will need for a quilt. Here is where it gets tricky. I don't have a plan for a finished quilt. I was just happily sewing blocks.

off hand, here are some options for plain sashings

I don't know, yet.


  1. Haha on " just happily sewing blocks"! What a nice surprise to find you have 50 done. I look forward to seeing how you lay them out.

  2. The plaid is such a fun and unexpected choice for these blocks. Looking awesome!

  3. Good luck with your goal and thanks for linking up.

  4. What fun blocks in the shirting fabric! Looks like it will be a great quilt no matter how you finish it.

  5. I love plaids! And so nice to find you have 50 to start - you are on the home stretch. They will look great in any setting Good project!

  6. Very fun blocks. Good luck with your November goal. This month will go really fast, I'm not ready for that.

  7. Pretty blocks! What a great use for shirtings. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. Fun blocks using the shirting fabric. Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings.
