Wednesday, November 8, 2023

sailboat start

I pulled out another UFO that I want to add to my 5 quilts list. It was a kit that I bought some time ago. It looks very easy. Everything is already there, and, all I have to do, is sew a bit. It could be fun. On the other hand, it does not need to be done. There are way too many ufos that are a higher priority. 

Oh well, it is great for social sewing. It doesn't take up much room in the bag, can easily be sewed in my usual locations, especially with my non- scrappy quilting friends. Sew... I started by just cutting the 2 1/2 inch strips for the four patches.

ta da


  1. Sounds like the perfect take along project! If it makes your heart happy and it sounds like it does, I would definitely add it to the work on list. Love, love these fabrics! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Sometimes you just have to do something new. Working on just UFOs sometimes just gets old.

  3. Looks like a cute quilt to make. Go for it!
