Monday, July 17, 2023

sugar grove play

 I have these drawers of hsts 2 1/2 inch- finish at 2 inch. Some times, I cut more than I need, or make more than I need. These drawers have been collecting for a long time. I really liked a recent Bonnie Hunter pattern called sugar grove, and, I thought that would be a great pattern to use these little treasures. I had fun digging through the hsts and making plans. 

I don't think I will have any trouble finding all the corner/ single hsts for the project. The problem will be finding the matching 5 or 4 for the centers. No real problem, I think I can find fabric somewhere around here to cut more. I don't think it will move into the 5 quilt list for some time. I could cut the center matching hsts next year for the rainbow scrap challenge. But, it makes a great bribery project to get something less fun done. We will see.


  1. I suppose that you can make 10 of the same to use as the centers for two blocks. This will be a great quilt!

  2. I too would have trouble finding the center matching HSTs. But you could make them intentionally as the year progresses! That Bonnie Hunter gets us every time with her patterns! So many quilts and not all that much time!

  3. Oh gosh, I have been saving my HST trimmings for a few years now. Literally have 1,000's. This would be a great way to get through a lot of them for sure!

  4. Pretty little block and a great way to use up those HSTs. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. I love making HSTs from leftovers! Now, finding something to make with them when you don't have a lot of matching pieces, a struggle! Love your plan.

  6. I have a lot of HSTs that I cut extra. I need to drag them out and start a leader-ender project! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings!

  7. It will be a spectacular scrappy finish whenever you get there. :) Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell.
