Wednesday, July 12, 2023

ironing board organized

While cleaning other parts of the room, the ironing board became a staging area for more sorting and organizing, until, it was a disaster again.

With a little perseverance and determination, and a few naps, I have my ironing board to use again. I made progress on the room, but, it is not finished. It will be there for another goal.


  1. Determination indeed! Most would have shied away from attempting to corral this mess but wow you did it and it looks gorgeous! I'm so proud of your hard work. No wonder you needed a nap! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Wow! No wonder you needed a nap or two! Hopefully you are starting to see the some good come from all the organizing.

  3. Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss! Love your ironing board. Did you make it?

  4. perseverance and determination.......I'm working at that to get my room back in order....however, moving stuff from one place to another isn't getting me very far!
