Wednesday, July 26, 2023

snails trail again

After finishing my one one monthly goal for July - rectangle wrangle blocks, I rewarded my self with fun sewing on my ongoing snail trail blocks with shirting fabric. It looks like I have been adding to this project sine 2021. I really enjoy making these  blocks, and, look forward to sewing them any chance I can get. But, they are an 'extra' project and have to wait until I can reward my self with the pleasure.

I finished some

and I started another batch of blocks

I also played with little monkey wrench blocks. so fun

I  am linking to:

oh scrap


  1. Such pretty blocks and so fun! They do look rewarding to sew. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. The snail trails blocks are fun. You've done so well at being disciplined this year, you definitely deserved some fun stitching.

  3. I am so intrigued by how well those plaid fabrics work for your snail's trail blocks!
