Friday, July 28, 2023

wrangling a top

I had a chance to assemble more of my rectangle wrangle quilt. It seems magical, as I add each row, and, see how the pattern emerges. There are a lot of seams that need matching, so, it is slower than my patience, sometimes. It is a big quilt, probably queen size, and very heavy. But I love it so far.

I am also making ohio stars for the border, as, I work on the assembly. I can't really finish it until they are done.

more ohio stars for the border

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  1. That is such a fun quilt, love the pattern. But I do see that a lot of seam matching has to occur. It will be worth the effort.

  2. That quilt is amazing! THe ohio stars will make a magnificent border.

  3. This is so lovely, I can't wait to see it quilted!

  4. Ohhhh I am LOVING it!! and the ohio star blocks - icing on the cake!!

  5. Absolutely stunning. I love the secondary pattern and how the placement of the black and white fabrics keep things from getting too busy.

  6. It's lovely! No wonder you love working on it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
