Saturday, July 1, 2023

fish school blocks

I started the red month of the rainbow scrap challenge, by cutting and making fish school blocks. I have over 200 for the Bonnie Hunter quilt called kismet. I really like making them. Making these, I find interesting 2 1/2 inch squares that are alone and unwanted in my 2 1/2 inch square box. poor babies. I have a place yo use them.

I found pieces in red for monkey wrench blocks.

I am just getting started with red. There should be plenty of scraps for fun this month,

I am linking to:


  1. I’ve always liked your Fish School blocks. You are getting there. I’m looking forward to a new Leader and Ender block! Are you?

  2. Love the fishes! That quilt should be done soon if you have over 200, but i know Bonnie uses thousands of pieces. Happy 4th!

  3. The fish school blocks are so fun! I'll enjoy seeing what you do with them!

  4. It looks like you had some big fun jumping right into RED for the RSC, Maggie!

  5. Oh how cute!!!! I have got to make some fish blocks. Thank you for the sweet inspiration.

  6. Those fish look great with their red fins & tails! Have a great week!

  7. Love your fish blocks and they look so good in red! The Monkey Wrench blocks are perfect for your lonely squares. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
