Friday, October 15, 2021

scraps in the barnyard

I pulled this old ufo out of deep storage to see if I could get the top done in September.  

I have the borders pieced and added to the quilt. I used mostly shirts and strips waiting to be trimmed.  It will wait it's turn for quilting. I found a back and made the binding as well. I really like the barn raising setting for quilts. It adds a fun twist to ordinary blocks.

Bricks in the barnyard is found in Bonnie Hunter's Book- scraps and shirt tails 2 

In an effort to get more of my quilts quilted, I have 3 of them done and waiting to be trimmed and bound. I have never had a pile for binding before. If I quilt it, I bind it. But, I am focusing on the quilting of the back log. It is a bit unnerving having those waiting for me.

It has gotten cold here, the garden is barely hanging on. We still have sweet potatoes, and peppers. We planted brussel sprouts for a fall crop  but all we have are giant leaves that look very healthy. We planted garlic and they have little stalks. 

I am linking to:


TGIFF different     here  and here

boms away  sunday


  1. This quilt is so pretty! Happy stitching!

  2. You've done a great job on finishing this top. I actually keep tops not quilted because I can store them so much easier. I have been trying to get some quilted but that means I buy backings. Good for you for working through your back log of tops!

  3. Oh wow, the red in this quilt really makes the scraps sing! Bonnie Hunter was just talking about red this week. You really made it work.

  4. That came out great and I agree - the barn raising setting is a fun one.

  5. Your quilt top is beautiful!! Good job working on the backlog of quilts to be quilted :)

  6. Lovely finish, congratulations! So many great scraps, and the solid red really pops. Good luck with all the quilting.

  7. This is a gorgeous quilt! Looks great with the border.

  8. That's a beauty and worth pulling out of the closet to finish. Having a pile of quilts to bind sounds great-- that means they are all quilted and almost finished!

  9. Turned out great. Congrats on finishing an old project.

  10. This is very pretty. The red accents really add sparkle. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
