Monday, October 25, 2021

5 quilts

It's time for me to plan the week and assess how I have done on my goals.  I have 5 quilts I am focusing on right now. I try to work on one task for each quilt at a time working through all five before moving on to the next set of tasks.

1.checkered past -The next step was to make 40 sashings. I sewed 1 1/2 inch creams to 1 1/2 inch shirt strips on the treadle. I pressed and subcut them to the size of the block. tada

But, then, I couldn't help myself, and, I had to try sewing it to the side of the block. That will be the next step. It fit, which when working with shirts, can sometimes be a miracle.

2. fish school - this is a year long project for the quiltville leader/ender challenge. I have made a goal to sew 10 blocks before I can move on to the next quilt. I got this far by using them as leader/ ender working on checkered past.

3. scrappy mountain majesties - I have cut new blocks for an old ufo, so, the next step is to sew the blocks together.

4. boho heart -I finished week 4 of boho heart and I am working on week 5. I sat and made lists and decided how I am going to proceed and made a few kits. The thinking is the hardest part - haha

5. tiger quilt - I added a white border to tiger tiger, I have a polka dot ready to add as the next step.

I made progress on all 5 quilts last week, but, I can't check all the boxes until I add the next border to tiger tiger and finish, make the blocks for scrappy mountain majesties, and finish fish school.

I bumped into a couple of customer quilts I need to do before I can get back to moving my own quilts along.

MY next on the longarm

1. on the go - donation quilt

2. wonky courthouse - hunter

3. hourglass leader ender challenge - hunter

4, end of the rainbow rsc

5. row rainbow rsc

I am linking:


  1. Forward progress is better than none. I don't even look at my tops very often as I have so many to quilt. Now that my long arm seems to be happy sewing away I'll get some done, once I figure out backing for them!

  2. I do love a plan. It really helps and cuts down on brain strain sometimes. Good luck and steady as she goes.
    Stay safe and sew on !

  3. You have made progress! I love your projects - checkered past and fish school are favorites for their scrappiness, and the Tiger quilt is so cute!
    Thank you for linking up to To Do Tuesday!

  4. Keep on keeping on! Thanks for all the inspiration! You really do get a lot done!

  5. Hi,
    Great projects to work on. I really like
    your Tiger,Tiger block. Have a great day!

  6. Wow, that's a lot of projects to work on at one time. Good for you. I don't normally have the bandwidth to focus on more than one project at a time.

  7. Such pretty projects! You must never get bored. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
