Monday, October 4, 2021

clarissa quilt block

I saw these blocks first on who had seen them on Kathy's blog. who saw it as an antique quilt. Each hourglass is 2 inches. I didn't plan on doing anything that intricate, but, I couldn't forget them. And then, I had to try one. My first one was a little wobbly. So I wanted to try for better. And I am getting better with each one. I just really like this block. It isn't on any of my lists, yet. I don't know if I will make another.....

I am linking:


  1. Kathy's quilt was very pretty. This block would be perfect for the RSC in 2022. Just suggesting!

  2. Wow those are tiny, mine would ALL be wobbly! They look great together.
    Thanks for linking up to To Do Tuesday. :)

  3. Oh my, each block has 36 two inches hourglasses.

  4. I tried an hourglass challenge once! I didn’t get very far! I love the look of your blocks! You are making progress!

  5. So very pretty! No wonder it's addictive. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
