Monday, August 3, 2020

august goals

My One monthly goal for August includes making a top from my letters for my quote quilt.

I want to finish Jametown landing, which is a top at this point, and, I want to quilt and finish my windmill quilt.

I want to find blue ridge beauty and figure out what it needs to become a quilt.
I participated in a swap last year, and I want to start piecing it. It was our version of circa 1880.

This may be pretty optimistic for the dog days of summer, but, I am sure I will at least make progress. All of these are ufos that can be part of PHD 2020

I am linking:


  1. Good luck with your August goals!! All very lovely projects.

  2. Lots of stitching in your future! I love working on different quilts all at the same time so I don't get quilt fatigue :)

  3. The windmills quilt is very pretty and I love the fabrics in your Circa 1880. Have a good August!

  4. Your projects are so pretty! I agree, making progress is fabulous!

  5. Fun! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
