Monday, August 24, 2020

more shoofly

I am still working to finish up my kitted shoofly blocks. This was last year's leader/ ender from Quiltville. Just when, I think I am getting closer to finishing, I find more of the dreaded hsts. The blocks are 4 1/2 inches. and, Bonnie Hunter used 190 in her first quilt. She used sashing, and, I am not sure I want to do that. So, I will make however many I have the parts to make. And, that will be the size of the quilt....if I ever make them all.

I am linking:


  1. Oooo...I LOVE the green with gingham HSTs. Going to make one because it is SO cute!

  2. They're so cute. I started ... but only have 5 done. Lol

  3. Love the Virus letterboard sign!
    The little shooflys are so cute, but a lot of sewing needed to make them into a real quilt. You'll have a sweet quilt at whatever size you stop!

  4. I got my laugh for the day.
    And that's a great way to make a quilt.

  5. Darn, those are so cute. Does that make the hstr iangles 1" finished? Those are way too small for me. But you have done a great job with these so far.

  6. I look forward to seeing all these blocks sewn together. She'll be colorful!

  7. That's a lot of shoo flys! You should have a good sized quilt without sashing. Love the church sign at the beginning of the post. Maybe we just need a reboot?
