Saturday, August 29, 2020

tiny purple squares

 I have caught the postage stamp bug, and really can't concentrate on my other projects. I have 1 1/2 inch strips, but, very few 1 1/2 inch squares. I wasn't worried, because, I can cut squares from strips. My quilty friend was very supportive, and shared a zip lock bag of squares. It's always fun to see other quilter's fabrics. My plan was to grab a handful, and return the rest. She wouldn't take them back. haha.

My biggest challenge is having a solid strip long enough to do the whole block. As I cleaned my purple drawer, I discovered I had a few purples that would work.

Now, I am surprised at how many different shades of each color that I have. I obviously don't use many solids. This is a good exercise in getting to know them.

I can't believe how much I enjoy making psp 2020 blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge. It is late in the year for the challenge, so I am guessing, I will be doing these next year.


  1. I'm addicted too or have I caught the bug???! Nice of your quilty friend to support your habit. I'm guessing you wouldn't have all those lovely scraps if you had given her the bug. I will be sewing along on those next year with you too I think. I'm aiming for a big quilt.

  2. Those are so fun to see! Plenty of blocks get carried over for a year or two - I can't wait to see the variety of solids =)

  3. These blocks look very nice, going to be a lovely quilt. Happy stitching!

  4. POstage Stamp block always intrigue me, but I’ve resisted! I will not start another project, I will not start another project!
    Your purple blocks are great!

  5. Look at all your purple psp blocks! They look great! I've been wanting to make one (or some?) of those, but I definitely don't have any purple solids.

  6. I'm still trying to avoid PSP20, Maggie. Those sweet little anchors from your friend would probably have pushed me over the edge, too!!

  7. A great new project... glad you caught the bug!

  8. Love these postage stamp blocks made with alternate solid and patterned squares. So effective.

  9. Nice blocks. I have one going somewhere but i am doing 4 patch alternating with 2.5 white squares. Slow going but sewing in rows helps. So many quilts so little time

  10. Cute, cute, cute! I do believe that you most certainly will be extending this one into RSC2021! Loads of fun with so many fabrics.

  11. Oh, dear, I think I feel a postage stamp quilt coming on! Yours are so inspiring. And they really do use a lot of scraps. I had to laugh about your friend not wanting her squares back!

  12. Isn't it fun to use up all those odd scraps in the blocks? I am finding I can use fabrics that never seem to fit in anywhere else. I am loving these blocks too. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. Your blocks are fabulous... and inspiring. I have been resisting the urge to make one of them for a while now, but your blocks just might make be do it.
