Friday, August 7, 2020

piecing progress

I've been trying to move a few projects along. I am not sure why it is taking so long. I have been a little flighty with other sewing.
I have a few more words together for my quote quilt.

And, I am trying to catch up my shoofly blocks. I had a lot more sets cut than I thought. I may be at this awhile.


  1. My curiosity has been piqued. I’ll be watching to see what you’re spelling!
    Your shoo fly blocks are looking good!

  2. Those shoo flys will make great leader ender blocks! You make progress on another project but also on the leader enders. Except I generally just use enders! Keep at it.

  3. I like that you have long term projects ( right?) the shoo flys will be so cute!
