Saturday, August 8, 2020

purple country roads

I dug out some purple 1 1/2 inch strips, and, cut a few country roads blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge. This month is purple. I really like purple, but, I don't have a lot of it in my stash. I probably have more scraps than yardage.

I found a few "I don't know what color" strips that had purple in them, and, now they are useful.
My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:


  1. That looks like a great way to use prints that are in the "not sure what color they are" category, but they have some purple in them! I have a few of those, too!

  2. A great set of blocks in purple. Why does everything look great in purple?

  3. Glad you were able to use up those mixed color scraps. They can be tricky!

  4. I’m glad to see you using the “ I don’t know what color”ones! I have a whole 12 x 12 x12 basket of those, that are hard for me to use!

  5. Hi, Maggie! Nice blocks! I have a few of those wild every-color fabrics too. Good idea to make some RSC blocks with them.

  6. I love your "bonus" purple fabrics! The zigzag one especially! I like how you used what you had for the background fabrics even when I guess you ran out of one? I had to piece some of my strips for the Heartfire hexies -- sometimes with the same fabric, sometimes with a similar fabric. After all, it is a Rainbow SCRAP Challenge, right? Love your Country Roads.

  7. You’ve got so many great blocks going, Maggie! I really love those Country Roads blocks!

  8. All your blocks are lovely and will make a great quilt, but those floral scraps in the top photo are just gorgeous! If you need more purple, I'd be happy to send some! :)

  9. The "I don't know what color" blocks add spice. Everything needs a little spice. I don't have much in the way of purple yardage either. Most of my purple fabric is in small chunks. Sometimes I think it is difficult to find a lot of purple fabrics.

  10. Love your purple blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
