Wednesday, August 12, 2020

shoofly too

We had a bit of storm damage Monday night, and, some of our city was without power.
we had a tree fall on our pop up camper.

And our poor catalpa tree was ripped a bit. We saw hunks of leaves 2 houses down from  us.

It looks like we cleaned out some of the dead branches from the trees.

I am working at the longarm, and, haven't had time at the machine, but, I am still trying to get through the shoofly blocks.

more  here and here and here

I am linking:


  1. Love the little shoo fly blocks! Those winds were no joke! Luckily you still have power and there wasn't more damage.

  2. Hoping your pop-up camper wasn't severely damage by that tree, Maggie! Your Shoo Fly blocks are looking good. I never managed to make any in last year's Leader/Ender Challenge.

  3. We had really high winds with lots of trees limbs down, but it wasn't as bad here as it was in other locations. Hope the camper wasn't damaged too badly. Your shoe fly blocks are looking good.

  4. The storms have been bad this year. Your trees look amazing. I'm in love with the Shoo fly blocks.

  5. Ugh! I don’t miss living where it storms like that. I hope the damage wasn’t too bad. Your shoo fly blocks are lovely. I will feature them on this week’s Creative Compulsions.


    P.S. I have been commenting whenever you link up, but I’ve discovered that Safari isn’t playing well with Blogger. I’m using the Google browser and it seems happy now, I think.
