Monday, June 18, 2018

Time to roll roll

something went wrong with this quilt. As I was pulling the quilt from the project box to begin assembly, I realized that my string blocks were just too small, not even in the "fudge it" range. sigh....
 Time to get creative with my roll roll cotton boll quiltville mystery quilt. I have a feeling that I relied on my memory for making the string/crumb blocks and thought 6 1/2 inch squares instead of 8 1/2 inch squares. I have made all the parts and pieces for this quilt, so I am not just going to fold, as it were. I don't want to make new string blocks and I don't want to take anything apart. so ....... who knows.

This is the next quilt to be done for the mystery challenge

It is found in Bonnie Hunter's String fling book.

I am linking to:

Making Monday  link in sidebar
main Crush Monday   link in sidebar

boms away   link in sidebar

Oh Scrap   link in sidebar


  1. Oops! We've all been there. Good for you to not give up. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  2. You could probably just frame those string blocks to bring them up to size and I think they will look great. It couldn't hurt to try. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  3. Sorry, I had to laugh....been there, done that, too!!! Maybe just border the blocks with neutrals to make them 8 1/2". If they are all bordered, who will know they weren't designed that way. It's the "if you can't see it from a galloping horse" thing.

  4. Can you use these 6 inchers in another quilt from the book? Who knows, maybe you are half done with your next project A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  5. Beautiful blocks! I can think of a number of ways to enlarge (but I want to say, enbiggen) the string blocks. I can’t wait to see what you do.

  6. You'll figure out how to make it work. Necessity is the mother of invention. Have fun inventing!!

  7. An opportunity for a design tweak, so you'll version won't look like anyone else's. If you just add a strip to each side, but keep it scrappy, that might not disrupt the secondary pattern too much. Good luck!

  8. Oops! Been there before and it's darn aggravating! I agree with the others, add a frame around the string blocks and it becomes a design choice. :) Thanks for linking to MCM!
