Tuesday, May 2, 2017

cross blocks

May 1st,  I started working on my One monthly Goal. I don't want the month to get away from me. And with Spring, and garden, and lots of family stuff, I need to get right to it.
I made a first prototype of the cross block and it worked.
I am using 2 inch strips cut at 5 1/2 inches to allow for trimming the corners. For the triangles, I am using 4 1/2 inch strips using the easy angle ruler. I have them cut.
And I have a few sewn.

These are 8 1/4 inches but I will trim them to 7 1/2. So exciting to be working on this quilt.

I have been sneaking a few garlic knots as I get a chance since they are so fun.

I am linking to:
Fiber Tuesday

Free Motion by the River


  1. How fun is this pile!! Love the geese blocks! they are so cute!

  2. Pretty blocks! Can't wait to see the finishes - keep having fun!

  3. The cross blocks are going to use up lots of scraps and those garlic knot blocks are very fun! Good luck with your May OMG.
