Wednesday, May 24, 2017


I am running out of design wall for the hour glass quilt and will need to revert to the design floor soon.
I have 2 turquoise sides on the quilt with a third nearly ready.

I am trimming the 4 patch x blocks a little at a time. I didn't trim until I was ready to assemble, and....they didn't fit. I missed the note in the instructions to measure the block, and then cut the sashings 2 inches smaller. I just followed the instructions for the blocks to be 8 3/4. Mine are 9 inches at the smallest. So I am fiddling with that. I may have to cut all new sashings.  sigh...
I have made a decision about the border for wild and goosey and I have a plan, I just need to get to it.

I am linking to:
Midweek Makers
Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social

Silly Mama WIP


  1. oh my goodness!!
    I love your project!

    thanks for linking up!

  2. What wonderful colour choices you made for your hour glasses. Very nice.

  3. This is beautiful! I love what you've done with color and value placement. Subtle but very effective!

  4. That hour glass quilt is sooo pretty - love how you have arranged the colors! Thanks for sharing, and be sure to share more progress on this at Midweek Makers

  5. Your hour glass quilt is a beauty! I hate mis-cutting stuff, which is why I usually cut as a I go.
