Thursday, May 4, 2017

a new treadle treasure

After plant shopping, we did a drive by shop at Front Porch Primitives near Peru. They have some wonderful antiques. I completely missed a treadle sewing machine that was very unique. My husband caught it though. In my defense, it looked like some kind of man tool. and covered with other stuff.
It has a wheeler and wilson name on the metal table. I think it dates 1860s
But I really like the top that folds down over it, and the foot shaped pedals.

It doesn't work and we don't really know if it can be restored, but my husband can fix just about anything when he decides to do so, so I am feeling confident that He will triumph. So we bought it.
This was a great quilt I found. It is all hand sewn, and the colors are either great reproduction fabrics or old. I am not certain enough to spend 200.00 on it, but I did find the colors inspiring.

I wish I was better at telling the date by fabric. They are the one inch hexagons. My husband said it was old because no one makes hexie quilts anymore. ummm. I  have made 2.  what do you think?

I have been playing in the garden. All the beds are falling apart. I didn't want to make more beds, so I am using tree falls to cut and make a little border. I will have to add to it slowly, as it takes a little more energy than I am used to using at the sewing machine. But a little at a time, gets the job going.

I am still working on the green border of my leader and ender project hourglasses.

I am linking to:
needle and thread thursdays
oh scrap


  1. That's an old quilt, I'm fairly sure. Those don't look like reproduction fabrics; they look vintage/original to their time. What time exactly that is, I can't tell you. But reproduction fabrics have a certain look to them that those don't. Also, with that many fabrics, I think if they were repro fabrics, we would probably recognize one or two of them. Finally, there are a lot of spots in that quilt where the maker didn't have enough fabric to make an entire row around the diamond. If s/he were using repro fabrics, s/he would have run out to the store to get more of it, or used a different repro fabric. This quilt shows someone using up stash as well as possible.

    Lovely leader and ender!!

  2. What a fun find! The case is pretty cool all on it's own. Hope you get in lots of stitching time this week.
