Monday, November 18, 2019

sand castles

I have been slowly working on bonnie hunter's sandcastles for most of this year. I spent the most time making 512 -4 patch blocks. The first step I took, was sewing the string blocks. I decided that I would cut them now and add the sashing strip.

The pattern calls for cutting 1 inch strips to each triangle. I decided I would do better with a bigger piece. I cut 2 inch strips, and sewed them together, and, then, I cut them in half. I didn't have to match anything since they would be cut apart. And, I have an accuquilt die for 2 inch strips -much easier.

They don't look equal in the photo but they are. I did these at friday group and have half of them ready to go. It was a great project for sewing with friends. No brain power needed.

I am linking:


  1. Good thinking on that construction method, since you're not fond of small pieces!!

  2. Makes sense to try new methods and bonus that it worked well!
