Thursday, November 7, 2019

tiny purple blocks

I think the change of seasons, and the switch from daylight savings time, has messed with my motivation. I am still going about the motions of sewing, but, with little or no desire to get things done. sigh..
I have 2 more tiny tuesday blocks to add to the pile, but they took days.

I think, maybe, it is hard to get excited about anything at this point in the year. I don't want to start anything new until after the holidays. and I don't want to work on anything that I know won't be finished this year. hmm .

I am linking to:
needle and thread Thursdays


  1. I get that way if I have finished an item and don't have a wow project in the works. Maybe you just need a wow?

  2. it is hard to get motivated sometimes isn't it. I have so many projects that I am working on and can't seem to make much progress on any of them. I put some away and told myself to just concentrate on a few so I can finish something

  3. Such pretty purple blocks!
    Yes, it is sometimes hard to keep the motivation going. I tend to stall out when I finish making blocks for a quilt and it is time to figure out how to finish it. Hope your quilting mojo returns soon!

  4. I seem to be in the same boat right now.... but mine has been going on for months. Hope the quilting mojo comes back soon. Maybe a quick project that finishes in an hour or two?

  5. Sorry to hear that your "sewjo" has slipped away with the early evening light. Here's hoping it comes back soon!!

  6. I would just blame November for the slowdown. The shorter days and dreary weather can sap anyone's creativity. It will come back. In the meantime-- great purple blocks!

  7. Your purple blocks, especially the one on point, are really cute. Yes I also have projects that need to be finished, but motivation not there. But a table runner I can do - that helps. Hope your enthusiasm returns soon.

  8. Your purple blocks, especially the one on point, are really cute. Yes I also have projects that need to be finished, but motivation not there. But a table runner I can do - that helps. Hope your enthusiasm returns soon.

  9. Lovely purple blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
