Wednesday, January 13, 2021

crumb star

I haven't been able to add to the pink drawer of 2 1/2 inch strips in a long time. It is full. I noticed some red had worked it's way into the drawer when I wasn't looking, too. I have a new rainbow scrap challenge block I want to make to use from this drawer and help clean and organize it.

The first step was to divide the strips into width of fabric strips and shorter. I was curious about how many would fall into each category. I grabbed a part of the pile for the HSTS - ( half square triangles ) I was planning to cut. 

I needed 2 1/2 inch HSTS for the crumb star blocks, I was planning to make. I had used crumbs and strings to make 8 - 4 1/2 inch squares. Eight was the number, because, that was all I could easily dig and find. Each star needs 8 star points aka hsts.

trimmed and ironed

1st block and, yes, I like it enough to continue

I am linking to:

I am linking to:


  1. I love the way you have used your scraps!

  2. What a lovely way to use up those smaller scraps, Maggie! You're inspiring me! My scrap bins are getting awfully full, too. I feel like I need to hire an Assistant Scrap Manager.

  3. I love pink so these blocks caught my attention right away! Great idea for the centers!

  4. Very pretty in pink blocks. Fingers crossed these made at least a bit of a dent in your scrap drawer.

  5. Your pretty PINK stars make me want to go dig out my old RSC project (that I'm SUPPOSED to be working on, but haven't!) Making Crumb Stars are SEW much fun, aren't they?

  6. Great block to use up those small bits. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. I love your crumb centers! What a smart way to use little pieces!

  8. These are pretty! I love crumb quilts. I've been making blue squares and need to figure out what I want to do with them.

  9. I love these crumb stars! Very cool idea!


  10. Cool pink stars! Love the scrappy centers!
