Friday, January 4, 2019

old quilt rescue

I finished the binding on this old quilt. It's a rescue. I found it at a flea market for 12.50. The top had been hand sewn and the fabrics were vintage. Someone had taken it, and longarmed it. And, when I rescued it, it only needed trimmed and a binding. It had big fluffy batting. There was enough of the back to use as the binding. I trimmed it, and folded it, and hand sewed it to the front. I love the simplicity of the quilt, and the fabrics are really great.

I don't think I would have longarmed it, if, I had found just the top, but, since that decision was already made for me, I was still happy to give it a home. This way someone might enjoy it. As a top in my stash, it would have been donated after the great clean out, that seems silly. Someone else would have to rescue it, just because, I thought it needed to be hand quilted. And in the future will any one hand quilt it?

The fabrics are fun.

Especially the mushrooms...

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