Sunday, January 20, 2019

stash report January 20, 2019

We've had another long snow, and the sun is shining again. Our temperatures are dipping close to zero. It's very pretty, until I have to get to church. Good thing we don't live very far. I would still love to go sledding, but, I would have to leave my body behind or it would break. I wonder if I could hire a professional sledding assistant to get me up and down on the sled. I'm pretty sure I would get frost bite just rolling over and getting to my knees and getting to my feet. haha Maybe they need a senior day at the sledding hill.

I bought another daily special at Missouri star, and I wanted a little more variety for my civil war swap. I was also interested in white with black prints for a quilt I am making. I was really thrilled when the box arrived.

Stash report

Fabric Used this Week 0 yard
Fabric Used year to Date: 0 yards

Fabric Added this Week: 10 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 32 yards
net fabric: 32 yards bought more than used

I have a binding to sit and stitch today. Black thread on black fabric is not my favorite combination for stitching, especially as my eyes get older, but I still love the process.

I sewed more than 15 minutes every day - still working on good fortune

I am linking to:

sunday stash at quiltpaintcreate

15 min to stitch at life in pieces


  1. I love your backing fabric. so much fun.

  2. Interesting black and white fabrics. At least you have a plan for it all.

  3. I find it hard to see the black on black stitches too but sometimes a quilt just demands a black binding.

  4. Oh yes... black thread on black fabric is really hard to stitch!

  5. Looks like binding has been a popular technique around blogland today. And that means we all are closer to finishes!!

  6. I hope your black thread stitching went well. I agree that black on black is a problem as we get older. I use a whole lot of bright lights.

  7. Love that backing fabric, it's too fun and is a perfect match to the color scheme in the flimsy. You do so well at moving your projects along. Thanks for linking up with the 15 minutes to sew post.
