Monday, January 14, 2019

good fortune - magic

I was very worried about this step and making sure the points matched, but, it was magic. 99% of the points matched without any effort on my part. I didn't even pin. I was thrilled. I did have a hard time sticking to it, though, so it took most of the week to finish all of them.

I spent Friday group, making the blocks. I can not say I was as "lucky" with these points, but, it will look good in a quilt.

I realized that this block seemed familiar. I finished Carolina Christmas earlier last year and it's the same block, more or less. I have that quilt on my bed, and I see it every day. It makes me smile. I know it's a Christmas quilt, but I will leave it on my bed until spring.

And, even the same border unit.

I am linking to:

boms away 

Oh scrap
Quiltville monday link up


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  4. Your blocks are looking lovely. This could be another quilt you want to leave on the bed for months.
