Friday, January 18, 2019

use the flannel

One of my goals for the month, is to crack out the flannel, and make some decisions on how I want to use it and whether, I could reduce the stash.

Today was the day. I have Friday group, and I wanted to take a pile of leftover and short pieces of flannel, and figure what I could do with it. I already had cut several strips from the end of a project and some squares.  I began by sewing the squares together into 4 patches.

I had enough cut and enough variety to make a selection of scrappy pinks for a strip quilt.

and a boy quilt

I still have a lot left to cut, but, I have a better idea what I have to use.

I am linking to:


  1. At least you have a now have a plan. Hopefully you'll move some of the stash out with these projects.
