Friday, November 16, 2018

A little fishy

We had a beautiful freezing rain last night - as long as you didn't want to drive anywhere.

There were pretty ice sculptures everywhere.
I am still working on my "finish" quilt. I have all the pieces ready and I have started to form the rows.
But, I am thinking of complicating this quilt and making a fun border. No wonder I don't "finish" everything.

Our Meijer grocery store had turkeys for 37 cents a pound. Of course, they were the big ones. It was an interesting experience purchasing a turkey. Every woman in Kokomo was standing in front of the frozen meat case with their carts blocking the actual case. And they must have brought a friend with them. I heard many conversations about how they won't fit in the fryer, and who would ever eat that much turkey. And many said that they don't even do Thanksgiving anymore. I was surprised at how many purchased the smaller turkeys for 2.00 a pound. I guess even if it isn't smart, I will still be frugal. I thought about how there is just the 2 of us eating at home now, and, my freezer is full, but, I can't remember when I could get any meat for 37 cents a pound. So I was going to buy one or 2.
The first one, I thawed right away, and hubby smoked it. Oh my yummy. But, there was more than we could want left. I decided to can it. I made 6 quarts of turkey with broth- Glad I still have those skills.

I am linking to:


  1. Oh it is going to be so cute!! Finish it - finish it... that is me chanting in your ear!! ha ha - Great quilt!

  2. That's how a lot of my quilts become UFOs as well! At Thanksgiving we always get extra turkey and then cook and freeze it so we can eat it all winter. Frugal is good!

  3. Turkey at holiday time, is always a great buy! Good for you to can it! I would have to freeze it. But I would definitely, "put it by", as my grandma used to say!!

    I love your little jar quilt with fish and octopi, instead of bugs! Cute!!!

  4. I sure love your little jar quilt with fish prints. I can't wait to see the border. Your turkey purchase was the right thing to do! Turkey is economical and at .37 per pound you can feel smug every time you take a bite. And, you made it easy to use at a later date. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. That is going to be one cute quilt when finished.

  6. Love those jar blocks and the fishes. I know what you mean about having ideas for fun borders, but then just wanting to get something finished. I'm usually glad I stuck it out for the special borders, but it really does slow down those finishes.

  7. Your quilt is so cute - I love the jars. And please, keep that freezing rain!! We had a light dusting of snow Thursday morning, which was a first for us (that I remember) here in AL!! And growing up on a farm, we canned a lot of things, but I've never canned turkey! Wow, learn something new everyday!! That was a great price on the turkeys. Wish we had a Meijer's here! Thanks for sharing!
