Saturday, April 8, 2017

Happy Saturday

We had some visitors. Poor things, the pool isn't open yet. It was a blustery day, probably the leftovers of bad weather down south. The pool cover wanted to fly off but not the ducks. LOL
Just a bit of birthday cake with a really wonderful frosting.
I had read somewhere that to make a box cake taste like it came from the bakery. I needed to add an additional egg, substitute milk for the water, and replace the oil with melted butter double the amount. I was afraid to do the whole butter thing, cholesterol and all, but I did the rest, and it made a wonderful box cake taste spectacular. The icing was a whip cream cheese frosting found here. This was a very successful frosting and a big favorite for the birthday boy.
Still arranging floating stars on the design wall
And I have decided on borders for the pink sampler quilt. This will be my first RSC 17 challenge for the month since it is multi colored. Ok, I am stretching the rules but.... I want this done.
Today will be a much needed day on the longarm so it will be ready for the pink quilt soon.
Happy Saturday.

 SewCan She
Oh scrap
rsc17 super saturday


  1. Happy Quilting!! I will be looking forward to seeing these blocks be transformed into a quilt.

  2. Can't wait to see how you quilt it. I need some longarm time today too. Headed there soon. :) Happy stitching.

  3. If you want to wow people with birthday cake, use duck eggs instead of regular eggs. (I raise domestic ducks.) I doubt if your visitors were generous to leave you some while traveling. But duck eggs make baked goods richer. They have the "good" fat in them too. Happy stitching this week.

  4. Hi Maggie! I recognize that quilt (wink, wink) and hereby proclaim it acceptable for multicolor April. And I’m loving your Floating Starts quilt!

  5. Happy border choices for the pink quilt!

  6. Your Floating Stars is really coming together. Very pretty pink for your sampler quilt. Good luck with all your sewing plans this week.
