Monday, April 10, 2017

I have a top

I just love comments and I appreciate that you take the time to leave them. How do you know just what to say?

The top is finished! I have the backing and binding ready as well. Let's keep our fingers crossed- Spring is calling.
Looking at some of our ash trees, we discovered the D shaped hole, and the bark is crumbly, and there were some really odd tracks through the wood. And we saw an emerald ash borer larva. We are doomed. Our little bit of woods will be dead soon. Our biggest concern is a giant tree at our front door. Old and majestic. Nothing can cure the problem. We just need to watch our wooded friends die.
I am linking to:
Making Monday
Moving it Forward Monday 
Main Crush Monday


  1. oh, that is so devastating about your ash trees. We have two beautiful ash trees that shade the yard and keep us cool. It will be so hard for you to watch them die. Your quilt top is lovely, I loooove pink and green quilts.

  2. Lovely top! That's so sad about your trees. Have you seen this or is it not applicable in your area?

  3. So sad about your trees:(. Spring is coming and your quilt looks just like it. Very pretty!

  4. Oh that is so sad about your trees. Hopefully you can plant new trees that won't be affected by the borers. Can the trees be used for lumber? Love the pink quilt. So bright and springy.

  5. Not a fun find at all. There's no treatment? Your top turned out beautifully. The pink, green and yellow are so pretty together.

  6. We too are saddened by the loss of our ash trees. Last year a falling branch nearly took me out so now we are working on felling the trees that pose a danger. We have at least five that need to come down soon! Lovely job on your top!

  7. Like the quilt, and so sorry about your trees

  8. Such a happy top.
    Sorry to hear about your woods.

  9. Pretty bright quilt top! The tree situation is heartbreaking.
