Tuesday, April 18, 2017

dandelion jelly

With our Grandson visiting, I didn't get much time to sew. I opted for some outdoor activities with him instead. His Grandpa helped him fix the lawn mower, the tiller, and plant potatoes.

 He was a great help picking up sticks in the yard, and getting the scooters out of the barn..all of them.
I decided to try dandelion jelly. So we picked dandelions. Oh to be seven again, where picking dandelions is a fun treat.....

The directions said I would need 2 cups of dandelion petals. I washed them first, and from that point, I knew I would only make dandelion jelly once. There isn't supposed to be any green in the jar, but that was the only part that was willing to cooperate and land in the jar. I was covered in little tiny whisperlike yellow petals, they were everywhere, and they were glued to my hands. When I was close enough to the needed amount of petals, I poured 4 cups of boiling water into the jar, and let steep overnight in the refrigerator.

I strained and cooked with sugar, lemon, and pectin. I water bathed canned them.

It has an interesting flavor, much like honey and lemon. I can't say that I taste anything that might be a dandelion taste. Matthew was excited to take some home.

We had a trip to a Japanese steakhouse, and the chef really played for Matthew. and Matthew was entranced.

And He asked to visit his Mommy up in heaven. She died shortly after his birth, after a brave fight with Leukemia. Our son has remarried a wonderful woman who seems to be an answer to prayer. Easter is an especially important time to remember that families are forever. And we will all be together again.

All the parts for Happy Birds are done and ready to be assembled. Time to get back into the messy sewing room, and see it come together. woohoo.

I am linking to:
Fiber Tuesday
Free Motion by the River

Making Monday
Moving it Forward Monday 
Main Crush Monday


  1. My mom made deep-fried dandelion blossoms once when I was a kid--once was enough! :)

  2. I've heard of dandelion jelly but have never seen any. After seeing the process I agree, making it once would be enough! I had a visual of those tiny petals sticking everywhere except where they were suppose to. :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. I've never heard of dandelion jelly. I've made tea and used it in soap though.

  4. I keep hearing about dandelion wine but never the jelly. Good for you to try it. Around here we are asked not to mow down all the dandelions as they are the first food of spring for the bees. I have two grandsons and love spending time with them. Life is sometimes so hard to navigate. Your Happy Birds blocks look wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
